

Yatsushiro have two big events. One is Myoukensai. It is one of the big festival in Kyushu, and it is nominated as important intangible cultural property. 1300 years ago, the deity of Myouken rode on Kida which is the head is serpent and the body is turtle and landed in Yatsushiro from China. It started at the Edo era. Portable shrine which is riding God walk to Myouken shrine with Kida, Sisi which is lion, Yakko which is follower, Kasabako which is artificial flower or long sword on big umbrella. The other is national firework festival. There are 3 fireworks festival in Japan, so the Yatsushiro competition is the only one in Western Japan. About 10,000 display fireworks, and about 200,000 people comes every year. It is very famous festival in Japan.


Yatsushiro have a lot of special product. The most famous special product is rush product, for example tatami. 95% of tatami in Japan is produced in Yatsushiro. Rush process rush ice-cream cone. I have not eaten yet, but I heard it's delicious. The second famous thing is banpeiyu, which is kind of citrus. It is sweet fruit. 90% of banpeiyu is produced in Yatsushiro. Other special product are Hinagu tikuwa, Hachibei tomato, ayu, green tea, ginger, Yoshino pear and so on.


I live in Yatsushiro in Kumamoto. There are a lot of special product and big event. And my hometown has some legend for the past.

book review

I read this book "Astronaut Living in space". It was written about what astronaut do in space shuttle.

book review

I read this book "ANNE of GREEN GABLES". The book's story is one girl was adopting one family. But this family hope to come a boy to help their farm, so they were dissapointed.

book review

I read this book "Earth Smart". It was teaching to save the earth. For example, how to separate garbage according to type.


I live in Kumamoto. I like Kumamoto very much. There are a lot of place we should visit. For example, I like Aso Farm Land. There are beautiful illumination in winter and delicious food of special product, milk, cheese, beef or basashi. I like hot spring so I have been to many hot spring, for example, Umihotal in Amakusa.