
book review

I borrow this book from the library. The title is "Agatha Christie Woman of Mystery". It looks difficult book, but I'm going to try to read this book.


I'm Kumamoto gakuen university student. I am majoring in English. And I belong to walk club. If I have a free time, I work part-time.My campus life is very fun!

I am a majoring in English. So I study English everyday, for example, learning how to read English paper, learning Intercultural communication, listening to English communication, learning introduction of English linguistic, speaking dairy communication and so on. Also I learned German, Korean, history of Japan etc. All class is hard, but I lead a full life now.

And I belong to walk club. This club has three walk events a year. First event is Day hike. We walk to Ezu Lake. We walked to there on May 19Th. It was very hot day! But we were very happy. Second event is night hike. We walk to Amakusa on June 23. We will go to by bus until halfway, then walk to sea about 10 kilometer. It will be very hard activity, but it will be precious memory. Third event is also night hike. This event will be on November.We walk to Mt.Kinpow. It will be very cold, so we bring hot soup and rice boll, and after arriving the top, we eat soup together. It sounds like fun.

If I have a free time, I work part-time. I work at bakery. I like bread very much, so I'm happy to see appetizing bread or cute loaf.So I take enjoyment in my work.

My school life is very fun!! I have a lot of friends in university. I really enjoy my school life!!!
My school life is very fun!! I have a lot of friends in university. I really enjoy my school life!!!

book review

I read this book. The title is "Dinosaur's Day". It was very easy book, so I could read soon. It was the story of dinosaurs.

book review

I read this book. The title is "A LITTLE PRINCESS". It is the story of a little girl. She was very rich until her father dead. Now she has no family, no home, and not a penny in the world. It was easy to read.

☆Caramel pudding☆

I ate this caramel pudding! It was very delicious!!! I became happily to eat it. I want to eat again!!!!

"SHIRAKAWA" source's shrine

It is shrine of "SHIRAKAWA" source. I drew "OMIKUJI". It was "SUEKITI". The meaning is not bad luck. And I saw the book which is written visitor's name of the shrine. I was surprised to know a visitor who came from Tokyo.


I went to "SHILAKAWA" source on Sunday. It was very beautiful!! There were a lot of people who were pumping water or drawing picture.